Online store for items with giraffes

We guess if you're here it's because you like giraffes .... Not a bear, not a heart, so you are original! And surely you have something in mind, and we do not want you to change your mind, but if you take a look before you buy, to the different giraffe items we have, we want to help you decide for what you really want.

Giraffe items of the moment

We want you to find the item or gift you are looking for, but we also want to give you all the information and answers to the questions you may be asking about giraffes.

How giraffes are born

Giraffes reach sexual reproduction at about 6 years of age.
Giraffe gestation lasts 15 months, and usually only one calf is born, although sometimes there may be two. 
Giraffes can already walk when they are born

What are giraffe items?

They are articles, products, gifts, that have a giraffe, or giraffes. 

What are giraffe calves called?

Surely you have wondered more than once the name of the animals when they are small or born, and if not, maybe right now you have become curious to know how the offspring of your favorite animals are called .... For example the JIRAFA. Well, this is the name of this little long-necked animal, when it is born is JIRAFA CALF.

Beautiful yellow giraffes